• PACE OF PLAY Please allow faster groups to play through.
• OUT OF BOUNDS The course boundary is marked by white stakes. The rabbit fences, or any other fence marked with white posts are OOB fences. The clubhouse and its adjacent buildings, including all tarmac and paved surrounds, the car park, green-keepers complex, the reservoir and the grass area between the shed and reservoir are OOB. The Practice Ground is OOB.
• ROADWAYS AND PATHS. The Road crossing the 5th,6th,7th and 18th holes and all paths and steps constructed on the course are immoveable obstructions and rule 16.1 applies.
• FERRY PATH (The path that crosses the 4th and 9th holes) When playing the 4th and 9th hole this should be treated as a No Play Zone, abnormal course condition. Free relief can be taken under rule 16.1f. When playing any other hole, the Ferry Path should be treated as a penalty area. As an additional option on the Ferry Path, drop zones may be used if not nearer the hole.
• HYDRANTS AND SPRINKLER TOPS. These are immovable obstructions and relief may be taken under rule 16.1. A player may take relief under Rule 16.1b if a sprinkler head is on the line of play and your ball is within 2 club lengths of the putting green or your ball is within 2 club lengths of a sprinkler.
• TOILETS, SHELTERS and WATER TANKS and any surrounding paths are immovable obstructions. Rule 16.1
• PEST CONTROL FENCES Any rabbit fence that is not an OOB fence is an immovable obstruction and relief can be taken under Rule 16.1
• SAFETY NETTING All safety netting on the course is classed as immovable obstructions and rule 16.1 applies. When playing the 9th hole only, if the protective fence on the 13th tee is on the players line of play then the player has an option take free relief in the drop zone provided, but only if the drop zone is not nearer the hole.
• WASTE AREA LEFT OF 10th FAIRWAY. This is a general area, and the ball should be played as it lies.
• SAND PIT LEFT OF 14th HOLE. This is a penalty area and a No Play Zone. Rule 17.1d.
• PRACTICE SHORT GAME AREA. This is a general area and forms part of the course. Practice is allowed before play but must only be from within the area marked by black posts. Rule 5.2.
• PRACTICE GROUND. This is Out of Bounds as marked by the white posts.
• 10th HOLE/12TH FAIRWAY The red posts denote that the 12th fairway is a penalty area and no play zone when playing the 10th hole only (Rule 17). When it cannot be identified where the ball crossed the penalty area, the drop zone should be used.